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Hosting Legacy Applications
on Azure RemoteApp for
a Law Firm

Hosting Legacy Applications
on Azure RemoteApp for
a Law Firm

About the Client

The client, a law firm, required a reliable and secure solution to host their legacy applications, QuickBooks Desktop Pro and Sage Timeslips, on the cloud. They needed to provide their users with seamless access to these applications using Azure RemoteApp while ensuring security and efficiency. 

The Challenges

The law firm faced the challenge of securely hosting and managing their legacy applications, QuickBooks Desktop Pro 2024 and Sage Timeslips 2019, on Azure RemoteApp. They needed to ensure that users could access the applications with Single Sign-On (SSO) using Entra ID, while also maintaining a cost-effective and efficient cloud infrastructure. The estimated Azure monthly hosting cost was between $120.00 – $160.00 USD for 5 users, so budget management was a crucial concern. 


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