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Katarya Streamlines Billing
With an Automated Invoice

Katarya Streamlines Billing
With an Automated Invoice

About the Client

Katarya, a well-established company, grappled with a time-consuming and error-prone manual billing system. Generating and sending invoices was a cumbersome process, often leading to delays and inaccuracies. Recognizing the need for a more efficient solution to ensure timely and accurate invoicing, Katarya embraced automation.

The Challenges

Katarya, a well-established company, relied on a manual system for managing their billing and invoicing processes. This traditional approach presented several challenges:

  • Time-Consuming Process: Generating invoices involved manual data entry and verification, leading to delays and hindering overall billing efficiency.
  • Prone to Errors: Manually creating invoices increased the risk of human error, potentially resulting in inaccurate charges or missing information, which could lead to customer disputes and delays in payment collection.
  • Lack of Visibility: The manual system lacked real-time data on outstanding invoices and invoice status, making it difficult for Katarya to track their financial pipeline and cash flow accurately.

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