Will Generative AI
Replace Programmers?

In recent years, the field of artificial intelligence has witnessed remarkable advancements, particularly in the realm of Generative AI. This technology has shown great potential in various creative endeavors, including content generation, art, and even writing code.

As Generative AI continues to evolve, a pertinent question arises: Can it replace programmers and revolutionize the landscape of software development? In this blog, we will delve into the capabilities and limitations of Generative AI in code generation and explore the tools currently used for this purpose.

Understanding Generative AI and Code Generation

Generative AI refers to a subset of artificial intelligence techniques that involve creating new data based on patterns learned from existing data. It encompasses various models, such as Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), Variational Autoencoders (VAEs), and Transformer-based architectures like GPT-3, that have demonstrated proficiency in generating content like images, music, and text.

Code generation using Generative AI involves training models on vast amounts of code repositories, APIs, and programming languages to learn syntax, semantics, and coding patterns. Once trained, these models can generate code snippets, functions, or even complete programs.

The Limitations of Generative AI in Code Generation

While Generative AI has shown impressive capabilities in code generation, it is essential to recognize its limitations:

Lack of Context: Generative AI models might generate code that lacks context or fails to understand the overall purpose of a project. The absence of context hinders the generation of coherent and well-structured code.

Limited Creativity: While AI models can generate code based on patterns found in the training data, they lack the ability to innovate or come up with original solutions. The creative and problem-solving aspects of programming remain distinctively human traits.

Quality and Reliability: AI-generated code may not always be efficient, optimized, or follow industry best practices. Human programmers’ expertise is necessary to ensure high-quality, maintainable, and secure code.

Handling Complexity: Generative AI struggles with complex programming tasks that require deep domain knowledge and intricate problem-solving. It may excel in generating repetitive or boilerplate code but falls short in addressing intricate logic and algorithmic challenges.

Tools for Code Generation using Generative AI

Despite the limitations, the progress in Generative AI has led to the development of various tools and frameworks for code generation:

OpenAI Codex (GPT-3): OpenAI’s Codex, built upon the GPT-3 language model, has garnered significant attention for its ability to generate code snippets in multiple programming languages based on natural language instructions. Developers can use Codex to draft code faster and access programming solutions with reduced effort.

GitHub Copilot: GitHub Copilot, a joint venture by GitHub and OpenAI, integrates with code editors like Visual Studio Code to provide real-time code suggestions and completions. Leveraging GPT-3’s capabilities, Copilot aims to enhance developer productivity by automating repetitive coding tasks.

DeepCode: DeepCode is an AI-powered static code analysis tool that scans codebases to identify potential bugs and vulnerabilities. It offers automated code suggestions and improvements to developers, speeding up the debugging process.

Kite: Kite is an AI-powered code completion tool that assists developers by suggesting code snippets and completions as they type. It is designed to improve code quality and reduce coding errors by providing relevant context-aware suggestions.

TabNine: TabNine is an AI-based autocompletion extension for various code editors. It employs GPT-3 and other machine learning models to provide intelligent code completions, predicting the next lines of code as developers type.


Generative AI has undoubtedly made significant strides in the field of code generation, presenting opportunities to enhance developer productivity and streamline certain coding tasks. While AI models like GPT-3, GitHub Copilot, and others show promise, they are far from replacing programmers altogether.

The collaborative partnership between Generative AI and human developers seems to be the most promising path forward. As the technology continues to evolve, developers will likely leverage Generative AI tools to automate repetitive tasks, generate boilerplate code, and facilitate the coding process.

However, the creative and critical thinking aspects of programming will remain firmly in the hands of skilled programmers. The future of code generation lies in harnessing the power of AI to augment human capabilities, making software development more efficient, innovative, and enjoyable for everyone involved.

Low Code No Code Platform:
Empowering Efficiency with
AI and ML

Several well-regarded institutions are working tirelessly to integrate low code no code platform with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Google, H2O, MIT, and others. The integration of two core technologies will make it easy to use AI for everyday purposes and micro-applications.

In this article, we’ll explore the integration of AI and ML with low-code and no-code platforms. We will also overview five approaches to AI/ML integration with low code no code platform. And finally, evaluate the future of such technologies.

AI and ML and Low Code No Code Platform

Low-code and no-code platforms are becoming increasingly popular due to their ease of use, speed, and ability to increase productivity.

Codeless development is a rising industry, and AI and ML integration can truly democratize the market in favor of micro-development. The current market cap of $22 Billion as of 2022 will expand to $32 Billion within the next year(2024) with a cumulative CAGR of 26%.

low code no code platform

AI and ML could make these new-gen development platforms at par with their coded counterparts. Some of the latest innovations with the integration of AI and ML with low-code and no-code systems are:

Google AutoML was designed as a no-code platform for Android and iOS developers. The platform allows anyone to deploy ML models for their own use without any expertise. It has an API that can scan faces, label images, and much more.

H2O AutoML: A Low-Code ML platform can help users deploy several ML algorithms such as gradient descent, linear regression, and others. It automates the process of building multiple models at once and deploying them together.

MIT has a course to teach no-code AI/ML. This system will focus more on building customized data solutions.

ObviouslyAI is yet another no-code platform that can make predictions based on past data without the need for any coding.

The Need for AI/ML Integration with Low Code No Code Platform

  • Improved efficiency and productivity: No-code platforms are well known for their time-saving. With AI and ML, these platforms can automate repetitive tasks and save time for other essential activities.
  • Improved decision-making: These can provide real-time insights for corporate leaders such as C-suite executives. At the same time, any sensitive information will remain safe in their hands.
  • Enhanced user experience: It can help everyone build customized recommendations without exposing their preferences to others. By doing so, their privacy will remain in their own control.
  • Reduced development time: Integrating AI and ML technologies into no-code platforms can further accelerate development and reduce the time to market.
  • Increased accessibility: Anyone who needs AI and ML in their daily lives can use them without exposing their personal information or any sensitive data. This tool is crucial for primary researchers, academics, analytics professionals, etc.
  • Cost savings: Since the end users can build their own applications, the development cost will be much lower than earlier.

5 Approaches to AI/ML Integration with Low Code No Code Platform

There are several approaches that organizations can take to integrate AI and ML technologies with low-code and no-code platforms. These approaches include:

  1. AI-powered Drag-and-Drop Components: Some low-code and no-code platforms offer AI-powered drag-and-drop features, such as forms and workflows, that users can use to build applications. These components automate repetitive tasks, such as data entry and validation, and make predictions and recommendations. However, ensure that the no-code/low-code platform supports such drag-and-drop building.
  2. AI/ML APIs: Many AI and ML technologies provide APIs that You can integrate with low-code and no-code platforms. Users can use these APIs to access the AI and ML algorithms and incorporate them into the application. AmazonML API is the most well-known API for a no-code-low code platform.
  3. AI/ML-powered Platforms: Some organizations may use AI/ML-powered low-code and no-code platforms specifically designed for such purposes. These platforms provide a range of tools and features for building and deploying AI and ML applications. ObviouslyAI is such a platform that helps design and run data science tests without coding.
  4. AI/ML plugins: Some low-code and no-code platforms offer AI and ML plugins that can be added to the platform to provide AI and ML capabilities. Any user can use these plugins to automate repetitive tasks, make predictions and recommendations, and provide users with personalized experiences. An example can be WordPress, a popular no-code website builder. Wordlift, SEOPress, and Akismet Spam are some AI-based plugins.
  5. Custom Code Integration: No matter how much no-code or low-code platforms come into play, customized coding will always be necessary. AI/ML models can be deployed on the cloud and attached with no-code or low-code systems with some custom-coded middleware.


The most challenging task of low-code and no-code platforms is a minor bug in the dependent systems(plugins, custom code, etc.) makes it a nightmare to debug the system. Assistance from an expert becomes vital to ensure project success.

At Metaorange Digital, we can assist you in developing, debugging, and even optimizing your no-code/low-code project and enable seamless integration. The power to make major decisions on your project still remains in your hand, and we just assist you in making it a success.

Future of AI/ML Integration with Low Code No Code

Integrating no-code/low code with AI/ML will empower smaller developers to compete with big corporates. As AI and ML technologies evolve, low-code and no-code platforms can offer even more advanced capabilities, such as real-time data analysis and automated decision-making.

In addition, these platforms will likely become more accessible to a broader range of non-technical users. These codeless platforms will allow organizations to democratize AI and ML development and enable more people to build and deploy intelligent applications.


Both AI/Ml and No-code/Low-code platforms represent new-age technologies. Together they can revolutionize the landscape of micro-development. With increasing development costs, no-code/low-code platforms offer much relief.

However, managing such platforms in the event of any error can significantly hamper your project. Metaorange Digital can help you solve these errors with managed support, development guidance, and custom solutions to make your AL/ML project on no-code/low-code a powerful blend.

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Augmented and Virtual Reality
Development with Low Code
and No Code

According to the American banking giant Citibank, Metaverse Technology could easily become a $13 Trillion business sector by 2030. To materialize on such a lucrative opportunity, you do not have to be an expert developer. Additionally, utilizing low code and no code development can significantly aid in the creation of AR and VR solutions.

Here are a few methods through which you can develop such solutions without any coding. Furthermore, we will explore several no code and low code platforms that can assist you in building within the metaverse.

Current State of the Market for AR and VR

Citibank estimates metaverse to become a $13 Trillion business by 2030. The industry heavily relies on AR and VR technologies. Statista Estimates AR and VR market to reach $31 Billion by the end of 2023.

According to the same report, an annual growth rate of 13.72% can take the market to $52 Billion by 2027. The sector could see tremendous growth opportunities with significant developments around Metaverse, AR, and VR technologies from leading tech giants like Meta(Facebook), Disney, etc. These opportunities can be an excellent reason to start a business, even if you do not know how to code.

Convergence of Low Code and No Code with AR and VR

The development platforms have revolutionized how we build software applications. They allow anyone to create sophisticated applications with minimal coding, enabling businesses to create new experiences quickly and efficiently. With development, it’s easier for developers to create applications that can take full advantage of AR and VR technologies.

The technologies can benefit marketers, small business owners, professionals, management executives, etc., to create immersive presentations and infographics for their use.

Low Code and No Code Realities Platforms

These platforms enable you to create stunning graphics for your needs. Some of these platforms are beginner friendly and let you explore, experiment, and build with just a nominal fee.

1. PlugXR

PlugXR is one of the leading no-code Reality solutions. It offers an intuitive and straightforward drag-and-drop functionality to build. The solution also has publish-ready functionalities that will help you integrate your designed AR and VR solutions with other code or to deploy them independently.

The development completely takes place in your browser via WebAR, which enables you to develop, display, and even test your created projects without having to download any software.

Further, the development can occur on any computer without a specialized graphics card, display, or memory requirements. Users can get image, ground, location, face, and even object tracking, making the AR features in your project quite comprehensive.

2. Scapic

Scapic is an AR and VR development platform backed by Walmart. It focuses more on the visual quality of the solutions with stunning 3D visuals.

The platform is built to provide e-commerce solutions with 3D product visuals but can also be used to create metaverse assets that are very close to the 3D objects we use in our daily lives.

3. ZapWorks

It is a multi-scene AR and VR design platform that allows users to create AR with drag-and-drop features. The multi-scene features are best experienced with a scene-transition facility which is available. Core features of ZapWorks include 3D models, producing holographic video, AR photo gallery, analytics tool, etc.

Maintenance of Low Code and No Code Assisted AR/VR Solutions

Though creating these solutions might be an easy affair, maintaining them can be a challenging task. Some problems that might occur along or after development are:

1. Limitations in Customization

Codeless platforms cannot offer the levels of customization that their coded counterparts do. However, not every aspect of your project would need intensive customization. You can hire a developer to assist you in customizing some parts that need the most attention.

2. Complexity

To increase complexity or implement complex login in your projects, some levels of code becomes necessary. Metaorage Digital can assist you in implementing the required levels of complexity in your project without making it heavy.

3. Scalability

Scalability is not easy to implement with many platforms. Sometimes, entire projects need to be redesigned. However, with a bit of assistance from an experienced development agency, you can design a solution that will integrate scalability right from the beginning.


There is a rise in the demand for these Reality technologies at the micro level, such as for marketers, managers, professionals, small business owners, etc. This demand makes it necessary to implement them via no-code and low-code platforms.

With the advancement in such platforms, it is becoming increasingly easy to implement AR and VR solutions. However, for customization and scalability, some assistance is required. Metaorange Digital, with its expert and certified team of professionals, can help you break these barriers without making your platform too much reliant on code.

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